材料, accepted.
"Enhancing transparency and tensile properties of immiscible poly(methyl methacrylate) / ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymer blends by lithium salt addition"
H. Watanabe, M. Horada, K. Inomata, S. Nobukawa*,
Polymer Journal, 56 (3), 173–183 (2024).
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"Viscoelastic Effects on Molecular Dynamics of Dielectric Probes in Polymer Matrices"
O. Urakawa*, S. Nobukawa, T. Inoue,
Nihon Reoroji Gakkaishi, 51 (1), 9-17 (2023).
"Free volume and local dynamics in modulus-enhanced polycarbonate under addition of low-mass molecules"
M. Maeda, S. Nobukawa*, H. Takeshita, K. Inomata, Journal of the Society of Materials Science, Japan, 72 (1), 17-22 (2023).
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信川省吾*,前田真衣, コンバーテック, 50 (589), 105 - 108 (2022).
"延伸による高分子の構造と物性制御", 3章3節 "延伸による非晶性高分子フィルムの力学特性制御" (分担執筆)
信川省吾, S&T出版, (2022).
"Preparation of all amorphous PMMA resins based on the graft architecture with a flexible main chain for simultaneous enhancement of thermal and mechanical toughness"
K. Yamawake, M. Hayashi*, S. Nobukawa, Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, 223, 2200255 (1-8) (2022).
"Photoinduced plasticizing effect of the addition of azobenzene on the glass transition temperature and mechanical properties of polycarbonate" (Cover Picture)
M. Maeda, S. Nobukawa*, K. Inomata, Polymer Journal, 54 (3), 269 - 279 (2022).
"Anisotropic Rotational Dynamics of Rod-like Low-Mass Molecules in Polycarbonate" (Cover Picture)
M. Maeda, S. Nobukawa*, K. Inomata, Polymer Journal, 54 (1), 21 - 31 (2022).
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"動的粘弾性測定とそのデータ解釈 事例集", 第8節 "動的粘弾性測定による高分子材料の分子運動性、力学特性評価" (分担執筆)
信川省吾,前田真衣, 技術情報協会, (2021).
信川省吾, 成形加工, 33 (5), 144-147 (2021).
"Advantage of graft architecture with a flexible main chain for implantation of ductile nature into brittle amorphous acrylic glass"
M. Hayashi*, K. Shibata, S. Nobukawa, Polymer, 236 (30), 124316 (2021).
増谷勇佑, 信川省吾, 猪股克弘*, 材料, 70 (1), 25 - 30 (2021).
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"Novel methods to control the optical anisotropy of cellulose esters” in “Pulp Production and Processing" (分担執筆)
M. Yamaguchi, S. Nobukawa, M. E. Abd Manaf, K. Songsurang, H. Shimada, De Gruyter Publisher, (2020).
"Study of control for mechanical and optical properties of polymeric optical materials considering molecular orientation and dynamics" (Award review)
S. Nobukawa, Nihon Reoroji Gakkaishi, 48 (5), 237 - 244 (2020).
"形状記憶ポリマーの形状記憶機構と研究動向" (総説・解説)
猪股克弘, 設計工学, 55 (2), 92 - 97 (2020).
"第15回International Workshop for East Asian Young Rheologists (IWEAYR-15)(開催地:長春)の学会参加報告" (報告)
林幹大,信川省吾, Nihon Reoroji Gakkaishi, 48 (2), 137 - 138 (2020).
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"透明高分子材料の高屈折率化と屈折率制御" (分担執筆)
信川省吾, シーエムシー出版, (2019).
"Effect of molecular size on the correlated dynamics of low-mass molecule and local chain motion in antiplasticized polycarbonate"
M. Maeda, S. Nobukawa*, K. Inomata, M. Yamaguchi, Nihon Reoroji Gakkaishi, 47 (3), 111 - 117 (2019).
"Design of birefringence and its wavelength dispersion for cellulose derivatives using substitution, low-mass additive, and porous structure" (Focus Review)
S. Nobukawa, Polymer Journal, 51, 835 - 843 (2019).
"三機関協働支援事業の取り組み 『学び合いプロジェクト』による中小企業支援と人材育成" (総説・解説)
猪股克弘, 経営システム, 29 (1), 3 - 8 (2019).
"Conference Report for the 14th International Workshop for East Asian Young Rheologists (IWEAYR-14) in Nagoya" (報告)
Y. Doi, T. Uneyama, M. Hayashi, S. Nobukawa, Y. Masubuchi, 日本レオロジー学会誌, 47 (3), 123 - 125 (2019).
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"刺激応答性高分子ハンドブック" (分担執筆, 担当範囲: ポリペプチドのヘリックス-コイル転移と刺激応答挙動(第1編 第1章 第3節))
猪股克弘, エヌ・ティー・エス, (2018).
"Preparation of flexible transparent acryl/alumina nano-hybrid materials exhibiting low thermal expansion coefficient"
Hideki Sugimoto*, Chiko Naruse, Yuta Takayanagi, Katsuhiro Inomata, Shogo Nobukawa, Eiji Nakanishi, Journal of Polymer Research, 25, 228 (2018).
"Effect of acetyl substitution on the optical anisotropy of cellulose acetate films"
K. Hatamoto, H. Shimada, M. Kondo, S. Nobukawa, M. Yamaguchi*, Cellulose, 25 (8), 4453 - 4462 (2018).
"微粒子集積体を固定化した歪応答性構造色エラストマー" (総説・解説)
猪股克弘, 色材協会誌, 91 (12),395 - 398 (2018).
"会員の声,成形加工とものづくりの4領域" (記事)
信川省吾, プラスチック成形加工学会誌, 30 (7), 288 - 289 (2018).
"グローイングポリマー”研究における計画された偶発性”" (記事)
信川省吾, 高分子, 67 (5), 255 - (2018).
"透明高分子材料の光弾性係数の低減" (総説・解説)
信川省吾, マテリアルステージ, 18 (1), 43 - 50 (2018).
"分子・ナノ構造を基盤とした高分子フィルムの複屈折制御, 逆波長分散性を示す位相差フィルムの設計" (総説・解説)